"What if the pineal gland, the eye of Horus, is specifically designed to transduce that primordial power into psychotechnological mastery of mind over matter? That is the wager of every esoteric tradition. Have you carried out the experiment to its end point? Or have you been seduced into egoic idiocy, enslavement to the sensual mirage, serving fantasies of sexual satisfaction, or the vain glory of social prestige, the masturbatoryjouissance of mere philosophy, or the false security of interpersonal attachment, all covering over the terror of life? These two polarizations of our potential are now reaching their most extreme manifestations. Are you the ego resisting the freefall into the singularity -- or are you that singularity itself? Or the dance the two are dancing? Tat tuam asi: thou art That. Nonduality appears as duality, multiplicity, world without end. But nonduality also appears as the Nothing, the Void, kenosis/theosis, Shunyata. The Emptiness is the Fullness, pleroma, purna, the Mother Light pregnant with all that is and ever will be."