I don't want to contribute to the abused palette of subject; the everghastly drone of man splitting sides with time. I won't assist in blindfold escapism-
I'm tired of looking at faces that flash behind illusions.
I want to provide the mirror that forces you all to question yourselves- to look within yourselves.
I want to understand the human mind, the human heart; to take subjects and set them free before the lens to speak effortlessly the words, the actions; the notes of interaction.
To bring forth a realism so thick it either makes you run terrified, or engages you to the point of wisdom. We are a dying breed; nullifying conscience with ever suppressant diversions- we are killing ourselves in shams. I don't want to be responsible for everything I shoot. I want to learn from the players
uniting communities for every document and letting them subconsciously exist in alternate environments, as if they are channeling a past life, or seeking answers in the now. I want to provide a stage in which real human beings can live alternate lives; perhaps giving them a chance to experience what it would have been like had they taken a different path. Virtual existence… that is what I want to create.
I’m just begging for a rise in visionaries seeking a higher power in their display. Many are already at work, but they lack the support of a community. We need a new display case to learn from.
Man has paralyzed the “Free Thinking” mechanism into Repli-robo-gurgitation: the technically advanced homage, or rather the cinematic equivalent of Elevator Music. We as visual composers should be reproducing the madness of our minds. Every element of personal interest should be blended into Mad Portals that expose the forbidden layers; haunted houses that spoil in history, existence; the painful demise of past movements- movements that once applied trademark to the qualifying years of consistent practice. Let us make cinematic scrapbooks that build off the same basic structure with new and infinite interpretations, in other words, digestible transcendentalism.
The Manifest of the antiplasticrobotnonconveier filmmakers has been brought to you by Joriah Goad
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