Thoughts must harmonize with beliefs and be followed by ACTION

Thoughts must harmonize with beliefs and be followed by ACTION

Friday, August 10, 2012

The point is

From a sustainability standpoint, the human race must consciously continue to observe its thoughts, actions and judgments and what the consequences are if we ignore, disrespect and disregard our home and our role in it. We can easily justify following our dogmatic pursuits for clean air, food, and water, justice, freedom and expression. We can bring rituals and ceremonies into our lives to nourish our own inner resilience so that we cultivate new patterns and wavelengths that most serve the planet, too. And we are also aware that perhaps… none of it really matters. Perhaps it is egotistical to think we have already broken the confines of our egos and our judgment while still pushing our beliefs on others. Perhaps thepostculture will be just as insistent about its tenets as in societies past. Maybe we do need to constantly build a new world and burn it down as Burning Man proposes.  The point is, the moment we insist on anything, we lose sight of virtually everything else.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Perception presupposes a subject that perceives and an object that is perceived. In human relations the subject that perceives is the individual human being, more exactly his consciousness, and the object perceived is the outer material world.
It is of the greatest importance to be aware of the fundamental fact that the outer world consists objectively of nothing more than matter and energy.
In order to make conspicuous the mechanism of our experiencing reality, I have chosen a metaphor from television. The material world functions as transmitter, emanates optical, acoustical, gustatory, olfactory, and tactile signals that are received by the antennae, by our sensory organs, eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and skin and are conducted from there to the corresponding center in the brain to the receiver. There these energetic and material signals are transformed into the spiritual phenomena of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching. One does not know how this transformation of material and energetic impulses into the psychic dimension of perception takes place. It includes the mystery of the connection between the material and the spiritual world.

Consciousness defies a scientific definition and explanation; for it is what is needed to contemplate what consciousness is. It can only be circumscribed as being the receptive and creative center of the spiritual ego, which has the faculties of perceiving, thinking, and feeling, and which is the seat of memory.
It is of fundamental importance to be aware of how consciousness originates and develops.
The newborn human possesses solely the faculty of perceiving -- possesses, or more correctly, is this mystic nucleus of life. He owns -- to use again the metaphor of television -- a blank videocassette, where the incoming stimuli from the outer world are transformed into images and sensations that can then be stored in the memory, providing the groundwork for thinking. Without these signals from outside, no consciousness could develop.
There is common consent that the evolution of mankind is paralleled by the increase and expansion of consciousness. From the described process of how consciousness originates and develops, it becomes evident that its growth depends on its faculty of perception.


........ the Moscow research group proved that damaged chromosomes (such as those harmed by x-rays) can be repaired. Their method was to capture the information patterns of particular DNA and then transmit these patterns, using focused light frequencies, onto another genome as a way of reprogramming the cells. In this way they successfully transformed frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns. Garjajev's research shows that certain frequency patterns can be "beamed" (such as with a laser) to transfer genetic information. This shows how DNA operates through resonance and vibratory frequencies. It also shows that human DNA can be modified -- or altered -- through the impact of external frequencies. This may also help to go some way toward validating the existence of such phenomena as remote acts of healing and other psychic attributes. It also suggests that DNA is a living, fluid, and dynamic "language" that as a quantum informational field is responsive not only to laser waves (as in the above experiment) but also EM waves and sound, given that the correct frequencies are applied.