jäin mõtlema. öeldakse, et elu on liiga lühike et teha valesid valikuid, või noh et mitte elada nii nagu tahad. Samas tegelt on loogiline pigem nii, et elu on liiga pikk, et seda mitte elada nii nagu tahad. Nii kaua elada ja veel valesti! saate mu loogikast aru?
Ja siis see küsimus:
Miks ma ei võiks elada nii nagu ma tahan?
Fakk ma ei tea. Need reeglid tulevad kuskilt, mina neid ei tee... ju teevad neid teised. Ma ei tea, samas see pole ka loogiline elada enda elu teiste inimeste reeglite järgi.
Kuidas siis elada, kui enda plaanid teistele ei sobi???
Ma ei tea. Kunagi teadsin. Siis ma ei saanud aru, et ma elasin teiste reeglite järgi. Arvasin et teen, mis tahan...või siis nüüdseks on tara nii koomale tõmmatud, et ma saan seda varsti käega katsuda.
Aaaaa tuli meelde: teistele ei tohi kannatusi põhjustada ja jaa sellepärast ei saa oma elu elada. Samas miks need teised ennast kannatama panevad, fakin väikses kastis elades. Nagu need kanad suurtes angaarides 40 tuhat korraga, pole ruumi et ringi keeratagi. Maha ei tohi ka istuda sest siis teised talluvad surnuks. Põllul on ju palju parem joosta kõigil. Suurem aedik palju ruumi, õhk!!
Või see ei eruta enam kedagi, tahaks et ikka oleks sita hais ja heitegaasid ümberringi. Tehase toodang. Ja siis lasemegi ennast kasvatada nagu kanu tehases. Liinil. Masin lükkab tibud sisse, siis söödetakse mingit paska sisse, et topeltkiirusel suureks kasvaks. Ja hea on kui kondid järgi ei jõua, siis ei teki mõtetki ära joosta ja seda suurt pekist keha trimmi joosta. Ei ei. Seisa paigal ja oota järgmist masinat, mis su ära nülib ja piinad lõpetab. Seep see on tänapäeva elumõte. süüa ja kannatada ja liinitöö.
Nojah siis.
Thoughts must harmonize with beliefs and be followed by ACTION
Thoughts must harmonize with beliefs and be followed by ACTION
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
I ordered a phone from China. I have ordered before, but never with DHL like this time. 3-5 days delivery yeee. It's been 3 weeks since then. No I'm not complaining I just love the letters I receive from the seller. They keep getting better!
thanks for your order from geekbuying, here we inform you that your package is still in HK DHL warehouse now ,as recently Chinese government is having the National People's Congress and China's Political Consultative Conference meeting. To each country , such Conference is the most important thing, so
the custom officer in HK are so strict with all the packages for exportation, they block and check one by one for the safety check affair. we have pushed the shipping company to speed up.
we are so sorry for the inconvenience , to extends our apology , here is the coupon code : XXXXX (5usd ) which you can use in the order over than 100usd.
so pls wait patiently for another 24-48 hours , and we are also taking good care of your order.
Any problem, feel free contact with us.
hi,dear sir
Thank you so much for your support to geekbuying
we are really sorry to inform you that we got the news from the Hk custom that there are still nearly 2000 packages are waiting for the scanning and hand over to the flight, because recently here was one airplane caught fire when laned in USA airport, so the HK custom is checking the parcel one by one to block the built in battery item.
As to the situation, we have urged the shipping company DHL to speed up and we have also handed in the papers for legal exportation, they promised us that in the next 2 days , all the package in HK custom will be on flight!
so pls wait patient , on Thursday, you will see your package is flying to you
any problem, feel fee contact with us.
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